Forest Trust: Between two Forests – RED.COM & PINK.ORG
In our
organization for every location there are one single domain forest. For
example, for Kolkata it RED.COM & for Jaipur it is PINK.ORG. Now the
company management want to introduce SCCM & its main server should be in
Jaipur (PINK.ORG) & a Site Server in Kolkata (RED.COM) for patch management
& other deployments. Hence need to establish Forest Trust between two domains.
Both domains have Forest & Domain Functional Level Windows Server 2008R2.
Pix 01: Trust
£ In PINK.ORG (Jaipur) DNS, RED.COM (Kolkata)
Primary Zone is there, it is created long back & several manual host
entries are there. Primary Zone need to convert into Secondary Zone.
Establish Two Way Forest Trust between PINK.ORG & RED.COM.
To achieve this DNS name resolution
between two forests is must & name resolution can be possible in different
way – i) Secondary Zone creation
ii) Stub Zone
iii) Conditional Forwarding.
In this scenario best option is
Secondary Zone creation for each Forest DNS Servers. Because neither Stub Zone
nor Conditional Forwarder can allow manual host entry.
Conversion of
Primary Zone to Secondary Zone:
1. Export the RED.COM Zone data in
txt file & keep intact.
Pix 03: Backup of Primary Zone
2. Go to RED.COM Zone under PINK.ORG
Forward Lookup Zone > Click on “Change”> Select “Secondary Zone” > Set
the Master Server for RED.COM Zone.
3. After successful Zone transfer,
secondary RED.COM zone at PINK.ORG dns shows all the zone data.
4. Those entries are not showing in
RED.COM Secondary Zone, do it manually at its master server (RED.COM/
5. Create a Secondary Zone/Stub Zone
of PINK.ORG at RED.COM dns.
Check name resolution fom both Domains:
Pix 05: Check name
Establish Trust Relation between two Domains/Forest:
Verify the Trust Relation:
Validate the trust through
GUI: Most reliable & authenticate
Establish Trust Relation between two Domains/Forest:
Go to Active Directory Domains & Trusts > Trusts > New Trust > Select “Forest Trust” > Select direction of trust “Two way” > Type Administrator ID & Password for the domain which become trusted (i.e. BLUE.COM) > Select “Forest-wide authentication” > Forest Trust created.
Note: If name resolution have issue from any of the participating domains, the “Forest Trust” option at New Trust wizad will not show.
Pix 06: Step -1
Pix 07: Step- 2
Pix 08: Step-3
Pix 09: Step- 4
Pix 10: Step- 5
Pix 11: Step- 6
Pix 12: Step-7
Pix 13: Step- 8
Pix 14: Step- 9
Pix 15: Step- 10
Check also from RED.COM
Pix 16: Forest Trust established
Verify the Trust Relation:
nltest /trusted_domains
netdom query trust
/domain:<trusted domains>
Pix 17:
Verify Trust Relation
Validate the trust through
GUI: Most reliable & authenticate
Go to “Active
Directory Domains & Trusts” > Select “Domain” (i.e. PINK.ORG)
>Properties > Trusts > Select “Trusted Domain” (i.e. RED.COM) >
Properties >Validate > Put Admin ID & Password for Trusted Domain
> OK
Pix 18: Validation of Trust Relation
Pix 19: Trust validated
Domain Object (TDO) is created under System container for each trust.
Pix 20: TDO Object